Naples, è situata nella Contea di Boudary, ad una altitudine di circa 621 metri slm a 48.34 gradi Nord e 116,23 gradi ovest, codice postale 83847.
E’ una comunità composta soprattutto da contadini e taglialegna, posta in una tranquilla valle a circa 36 chilometri a sud del confine con il Canada.
L’area abbonda di natura, corsi d’acqua e laghetti.
Il Parco Naturale di Kootenia abbonda di orsi, alci, coioti,cervi e una infinità di specie volatile, in questa che è un’area riproduttiva. Si possono effettuare bellissime escursioni sui sentieri calpestabili, sempre ben curati, costeggiando corsi d’acqua, e visitare il Moyie River Canyon e le sue meravigliose cascate. Nella stagione invernale si può sciare a Schweitzer sulle Montagne Selkirk, in estate si può pescare, fare windsurf, o navigare a vela sui laghi Pend Oreille o sul Coeur d’Alene.
Il nome di questa cittadina deriva da quello di Napoli (Italia) da cui erano provenienti parecchi degli operai che collaborarono a costruire, intorno al 1890, la prima linea ferroviaria che attraversava la regione, forse le stesse persone diedero il nome alle montagne vicino chiamandole Naso Romano (Roman Nose Mountain).
Naples,ID Naples is farming and logging community set in a tranquil valley 35 miles south of the U.S.-Canadian border. The area is teeming with wildlife, streams, and lakes. Hostelling International- Naples blends in with this fabulous wilderness setting. Built as a dance hall 50 years ago, the hostel even has its own old-fashioned general store and Laundromat.
The Kootenia Wildlife Refuge, a 3,000-acre wilderness, is filled with bears, moose, coyotes, deer, and birds. Hike on its well-maintained foot trails along a river that provides breeding areas for migratory birds. Take a drive on the Big Moyie Canyon Bridge, high over the Moyie River Canyon and its scenic waterfalls. Ski the powdery slopes at Schweitzer in the Selkirk Mountains. Sail, windsurf, and fish at Pend Oreille and Lake Coeur d’Alene. The town of Naples originated as a natural creek side rest stop on the old Wild Horse Trail and later became a railroad station. It evolved into a rugged frontier village centered in a rich mining and timber country. Lumbering, farming, and tree nurseries now combine with tourism to support economic activity. Naples derives its name from the area in Italy which was home to many of the labourers who helped build the first rail line through the region around 1890. The majestic Roman Nose Mountain, rising just west in the Selkirks was probably also named by these early immigrants. This is a favourite entrance route into the awesome back country of trails and alpine lakes which are just a few miles away.
Naple, contea di Boudary, ID
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